When vacancies arise, they are advertised on our Fáilte Ireland Vacancies page. If you see a vacancy that you feel you are suitable for and wish to apply, please submit an application form following the steps outlined on the role profile.
For most vacancies, we use an online recruitment system called PeopleXD Recruit and only the online application form on the e-Recruit system will be accepted to process applications.
However, at times of high volume recruitment, we also partner with Executive Search Agencies to manage some recruitment campaigns. To apply for these roles, please follow the steps outlined on the role profile. The same recruitment process and Fáilte Ireland policies and procedures are applied to all recruitment campaigns.
We do not accept CVs or any other forms of application and in line with our GDPR and Data Retention policies, we do not keep CVs or any other forms of application on file.
How do I apply for the role?
To apply for the role, you must submit an application form through our website. Only applications correctly and fully submitted online will be accepted into campaign. CV’s will not be accepted or considered.
The application form consists of the following sections:
Contact Information
Additional Questions
Qualification Details
Professional Bodies & Other Trainings.
Employment History
Vacancy Specific & Competency Questions
Please note during completing application, refreshing the page before applying or saving progress can clear fields. This can also happen if the browser session ends after about an hour.
We recommend save your progress frequently with ‘Save Progress’ button or saving your answers in the draft on your personal device, if you expect to take a long time.
To apply for the vacancy, please go to Vacancies page and click on the role you would like to apply > Click ‘Apply Now'
Please fill in your contact details, that we may use in order to reach out to you with updates on your application:
Please answer all questions in Additional Information section.
Please add education details, starting with your highest level of qualification. If you need to add more than one, please click ‘Add’ button on top of the section and add as many fields as you require.
Please add your Employment History details. If you need to add more than one, please click ‘Add’ button on top of the section and add as many fields as you require.
Please answer all questions in the Vacancy Specific & Competency Questions section. Please note that there is a word limit per each question of max 500 words, anything above will not be recorded on the system after submission.
We recommend save your progress frequently with ‘Save Progress’ button at the bottom of the Application Form.
Please note during completing application, refreshing the page before applying or saving progress can clear fields. This can also happen if the browser session ends after about an hour. If you expect to take long time completing application, we recommend saving your answers in the draft on your personal device, so you won’t lose your progress.
Once you completed your application, please click ‘Apply’ button at the very bottom.
To access your submitted application form, please login to your account on https://www.join-us.failteireland.ie Click on Account tab in the right corner > Vacancies > My Applications > Find the role you would like to view your application form > Click 'View' at the bottom of the role.